Procreate Brand Use Guidelines

This page will help you understand some of the main rules around using Procreate’s copyrighted material and trademarks. However, it doesn’t include everything that's in the full version, so if your use case or question isn’t covered here, see Guidelines for using Procreate Trademarks & Copyright or contact us.

Who do these guidelines apply to?

Everyone! By that, we mean anyone who wants to use Procreate copyrighted material or trademarks.

What is the purpose of the Guidelines?

We want to avoid a situation where people are misled or confused about whether something is created or endorsed by, or associated with Procreate. Inappropriate use of our trademarks and copyrighted material may create this impression. This might be by copying the look and feel of our apps or websites, or using our name and logo in a way that implies an association or endorsement that doesn’t exist. Following the Guidelines will also help you develop your own unique and recognizable brand with its own inherent value.

What is copyright?

Copyright defines the rights a creator has over when and how their original work is used, e.g., whether it can be posted online, sold, or distributed. In the case of Procreate, copyright includes our apps, screenshots and recordings of our apps, the sample works contained in the apps, and any other content we create or commission for our websites, social media, and other outputs.

What are trademarks?

In general terms, trademarks include words, symbols, shapes, images and colors that identify particular products and services. For Procreate, this includes things like our product names, taglines, and logos.

What do I do if I break the rules?

We understand that accidents can happen. If you become aware that you’re not complying with our guidelines, we ask that you modify the content within a reasonable timeframe. In some cases, we may ask you to remove particular content immediately or as soon as possible. If you don’t modify or remove the relevant content as required, we may have to take legal action (and we’d rather not!).

Can I include Procreate trademarks or copyrighted material in paid or commercial work?

If you want to do this, please read the full Guidelines first and then submit a Permission Request Form. You are not allowed to use our trademarks or copyrighted material commercially without our express written permission.

Do I own the copyright in things I make in Procreate?

Yes! All the original work you create in our apps belongs to you. This doesn’t include any third-party material you might have included in your work or based your work on, including the sample projects contained in our apps.

When can I use Procreate trademarks?

We love it when people create things that help others get the most out of our apps. You can use our trademarks in reviews of our apps, tutorial videos, brush sets you’ve created, or products that work in conjunction with Procreate products. Just make sure our trademarks are not used as the most prominent feature in your design or promotion. This can be misleading to others about who created it. Also, please include the full product name with the correct capitalization and format.

If you’re using a logo, don’t edit or modify it, and make sure it complies with our Logo Guidelines.

All references to "Procreate", "Procreate Dreams", "Procreate Pocket", or any other Procreate word trademarks must be in plain text rather than in our style or using our logos. In limited circumstances, we may authorise use of our wordmark logos, however use is only permitted with our prior written agreement.

When am I not allowed to use Procreate trademarks?

Don’t use our trademarks in whole or part as your product icon, profile picture, or banner on any account or online platform. You are also not allowed to incorporate our trademarks or recognizable elements of them into your own designs. Don’t include our trademarks in your brand, business, or product names, including as part of a URL or account name. However, you may use our trademarks to describe the purpose of your account, group, topic, thread, or other online community or platform by referring to a Procreate product (e.g., “Community for Procreate Users”, “Tips for Procreate Dreams”, etc.).

What are Procreate’s trademarks?

A list of our trademarks can be found here.

What is the correct way to use Procreate’s trademarks where I have permission?

You don't have to use the ® or ™ symbols when you use our trademarks, but please do include a notice which clearly states that the trademarks “Procreate”, “Procreate Pocket”, and “Procreate Dreams”, and copyright in Procreate products, are owned by Savage Interactive Pty Ltd and are used with authorization. You may use the following or similar wording: "The Procreate, Procreate Pocket, and Procreate Dreams trademarks, and related copyright, in both the branding and software for which the marks are used, are owned by Savage Interactive Pty Ltd and are used with authorization."

Using Procreate copyrighted material

We encourage you to share your screenshots and screen recordings of Procreate products. However, do not share screenshots or recordings of the sample projects contained in our apps in a way that falsely suggests or implies that they were created by you, and make sure you credit the artist. Do not export the sample projects from the apps.

What other things should I be aware of when using Procreate trademarks or copyrighted material?

It must be clear your work, product, service, or editorial material is not affiliated with or owned, written, or endorsed by Procreate. Don’t copy the look and feel or the visual and functional aspects of Procreate products and websites. Make sure any use of Procreate trademarks or copyright reflects Procreate and our products accurately. Do not use our trademarks in a way that violates any law or regulation or is associated with adult or obscene content. Don’t include them in any merchandise (without our permission).

Download our brand kit

Please complete and submit this Permission Request Form if you would like to use any Procreate trademarks and/or copyright in a way that involves direct commercialisation.